
Enable sustainable wealth creation by empowering local investors to go global.


Create a unique cross-border wealth platform.

📕 Values

  1. Prioritize users:
    1. I will start with the customers’ needs first and work backwards.
    2. I will work vigorously to earn and keep customer trust.
    3. If I’m ever in doubt, I will follow (1) and (2).
  2. Own the problem:
    1. I will continue to ask why until I understand the root issue and the intent behind my goals.
    2. I will execute and own the results of my goals.
    3. I will have no hesitation or embarrassment to admit when I don’t know something.
    4. I will not ask or wait for permission to do what I think is right for the organization.
  3. Be transparent:
    1. I will be honest.
    2. I will communicate openly and share information even when it is uncomfortable to do so.
    3. I will make myself available to others.
    4. I will be upfront and visible about the actions I take and the work I do.
  4. Make data-informed decisions:
    1. I will collect and use meaningful data about my work to improve my effectiveness.
    2. I will collect and use data to build a deeper understanding of the value I am providing to our users.
  5. Grow together:
    1. I will respectfully challenge decisions when I disagree and I will introduce a diversity of thought, even when doing so is uncomfortable or exhausting. Once a decision is determined, I will commit wholly.
    2. I will grow and develop new skills and help others do the same.
    3. I will by default trust others to perform to the best of their ability.
    4. I will never punish somebody just for speaking their mind or challenging me, nor should I ever fear punishment for speaking my mind.
  6. Strive for excellence:
    1. I will be thorough about all aspects of my work, no matter how small.
    2. I will consider how the output of my work will affect others.
    3. I will do my best to push myself out of my comfort zone to create a more meaningful impact.
    4. I will not be afraid to fail if I have done all of the above.